Tacoma Ministerial Alliance
Positional Statement
Taking or Not Taking
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccines
According to recent statistics the African American community has been disproportionately affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19) with excess cases and deaths. The development and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine is a means to safeguard and protect against the virus.
According to recent studies, the vaccine uses modified Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) technology which is formulated in a Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP). This delivers a section of genetic instruction which, once in the body, starts producing the spike protein found on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and triggers the body’s natural production of antibodies and stimulates immune cells to protect against Covid-19 disease. It is given as two injections, 21 days apart. This specific method has not been used for approved vaccines in the past and may result in unforeseen risks.
As a ministerial organization with the concern of the health and welfare of the community, it is the position of the Tacoma Ministerial Alliance (TMA) to support the individual’s decision of whether to take the vaccine shot or not. It is a medical and personal positional decision at an individual level; therefore, the TMA encourage individuals to consult with their physician on making that decision. If you do not have a medical physician then the decision is yours to make.
A COVID-19 vaccine is another important way to stop the spread of a deadly disease, but we as a Ministerial organization take a neutral position and do not have the medical qualifications to direct individuals on medical treatments that may have side effects or long-term health impact. The TMA strongly encourage every individual to educate themselves on the COVID-19 virus and the vaccines.
Despite the development of vaccines, the ongoing vigilance of wearing masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene remain paramount and has proven to be highly effective in managing this pandemic.
Tacoma Ministerial Alliance
1124 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Tacoma, Washington 98405, United States
Copyright © 2023 Tacoma Ministerial Alliance - All Rights Reserved.
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